Terms of hunting: the establishment and activities of hunting and rifle companies in the Far East in the late XIX – early XX centuries

  • Kotlyar N.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The article presents the results of research on the establishment and activities of publicgovernmental organizations (societies) pre-revolutionary Far East operating in hunts-draw-fishing area. Special attention is paid to the role of NGOs in the formation of the hunting law: local rules on hunting, the law protecting the beast, in the practice of poaching in the far Eastern taiga. The chronological framework is the period from 1887 (with the establishment of the Vladivostok society of Ojo-you), encompassing the most active period of activity of societies of hunters, until 1914 (the end date is due to the source material, the maximum information content of which in this matter is limited).

Keywords: social organization (society or soy-PS), history of the Far East, the legal status of societies and unions, sporting and hunting society, shooting-hunting society, forest society, hunting Pro-oils, poaching